10 Reasons to Consider Dental Implants

Dental implants mimic the natural look and feel of natural teeth while stimulating bone growth to prevent further loss and deterioration.

They also prevent slipperiness and shifting, meaning you can enjoy eating sticky and crunchy foods without risking developing a lisp.

1. They Look and Feel Like Real Teeth

Dental implants offer superior replacement options when it comes to tooth replacement options, since they replace both root and crown, helping protect healthy bone structure and preventing further bone loss in the jaw area.

Implants also feel and function like real teeth; in fact, many patients forget they even have implants! Patients can now confidently smile, enjoy all their favorite foods without restrictions or hold conversations without fear.

Implants appear and feel natural because they’re made of titanium, a safe metal for the mouth cavity. There’s no risk of decay as zirconia-coated roots don’t get attacked by plaque or bacteria – meaning no need for your dentist to modify surrounding healthy teeth! Most adults who possess healthy gums and enough bone support an implant can receive one; however, heavy smokers and those suffering from chronic health conditions or previous radiation to the head/neck are at a greater risk.

2. They Prevent Bone Loss

Dental implants are surgically placed into your jaw bone where a tooth was lost, and they integrate with it through a process known as osseointegration to restore biting force similar to that found with natural teeth, thus reducing bone tissue resorption and keeping jawbone health optimal.

Other replacement options, like dentures, do not have this same positive impact; as bone resorption occurs and jawline recedes, your facial appearance will diminish and eventually give way to sunken facial features. Implants help prevent this from happening and keep your face looking healthy and young.

Implants won’t wiggle or shift inside your mouth like dentures do; all they require for care is some brushing and flossing – no messy denture cups or fizzy cleaning tablets on your bathroom counter needed! And the best part? With proper maintenance they could last you for life without ever needing to worry about eating crunchy apples or tough steak.

3. They Prevent Bacteria Buildup

Dental implants provide the closest approximation of natural tooth roots available, with lasting effects if properly cared for. They look and feel just like real teeth while lasting for decades with proper maintenance.

Implants prevent other natural teeth from shifting or becoming crooked, while stimulating and stimulating healthy jaw bone health. Implants offer a great alternative for patients who either cannot wear traditional dentures or do not wish to commit for life.

If you have implants, make sure to brush daily with a soft-bristled toothbrush and toothpaste specially formulated for them. In addition, floss around them daily using either a threader or special dental floss designed for reaching hard to reach places between teeth. Finally, be sure to consume a diet rich in nutrition; this can deprive harmful mouth bacteria of fuel necessary to cause damage and bad breath.

4. They Prevent Jaw Changes

As well as leaving an obvious gap behind when teeth are gone, their removal causes jawbone shrinkage due to lack of stimulation from tooth roots. If this space remains unfilled for too long it could result in collapsing facial features and cheek sag.

Dental implants integrate with bone to stop this change and ensure it continues looking full and healthy. In addition, implants don’t require alteration to neighboring teeth that could weaken them over time; rather they serve as a titanium screw replacement and restore biting force for easier chewing and speaking! With proper oral hygiene practices in place, implants could last a lifetime!

5. They Prevent Jaw Pain

Dental implants resemble natural tooth roots, prompting the body to continue providing vital nutrients in that area and supporting jaw health.

Titanium implants are biocompatible, meaning the mouth won’t reject it and they do not weaken nearby teeth like traditional bridges do.

Once healed, patients no longer experience restrictions when it comes to eating, including crunchy and chewy foods often avoided with dentures or loose teeth. This allows patients to enjoy life freely without discomfort or difficulty; and social situations where their smile may make them self-conscious will no longer cause embarrassment as dental implants will keep the jaw looking healthy by preventing gaps that would otherwise appear untreated.

6. They Prevent Biting Issues

Dental implants offer an ideal way to replace missing teeth without the risk of dentures slipping around in your mouth or coming loose during social gatherings or business meetings. Their permanent fixture means you won’t have to worry about them falling out on others in front of their peers or coworkers.

Implants restore 70 to 90% of your chewing power, so you can enjoy eating crunchy apples or thick steak without worry.

Implant-supported replacement teeth look and function just like real ones; many people can’t tell the difference. You can brush and floss daily to maintain good oral hygiene with soft-bristled toothbrushes using low-abrasive toothpaste – with proper care, dental implants can last you your whole lifetime! However, there may be unexpected side effects for some people who have it. You have to keep in mind that some extreme cases may require surgery.

7. They Prevent Speech Issues

Dental implants are the only tooth replacement option that can effectively address speech issues associated with missing teeth. Unlike removable dentures, implants are fixed into your jawbone and look just like natural teeth – this makes care-taking much simpler – just brush and floss them regularly as you would your regular set.

Missing teeth can cause other teeth to move into their gaps and misalign, making enunciating your words impossible. A gap may even force you to mumble or slur your words, making it hard for others to understand what you are saying.

Implants look, feel and function just like natural teeth do – helping prevent speech issues such as whistling, mumbling or slurring as well as permitting you to enjoy a wider variety of foods without fear that your dentures might slip out. In contrast with removable dentures which often slip out over time.

8. They Prevent Oral Cancer

Dental implants are implanted into your jaw bone to keep them from shifting or weakening nearby teeth, a key advantage over traditional bridges which require modification and weakening of nearby ones.

Keep in mind that dental implants do carry some risk of infection and failure, though much lower than other forms of tooth replacement. Brushing and flossing regularly, quitting smoking, limiting unhealthy habits like drinking too much alcohol or using illegal substances and visiting the dentist for regular check-ups are all integral to ensuring successful dental implants.

Dental implants may not be right for everyone, but they’re certainly a viable solution if you are healthy enough to undergo surgery and adhere to stringent oral care regulations. To learn more about how Jenkins Dental’s implants can benefit you, schedule an appointment.

9. They Prevent Periodontal Disease

Implants may not decay like regular teeth do, but just like them they can become infected with gum disease. Initial symptoms of infection may include peri-implant mucositis before progressing to periodontitis which destroys both soft tissue and bone around implants. Treatment for peri-implant disease should involve brushing, flossing, and regular visits to your dentist.

Treating gum disease can significantly lower the risk of tooth loss. Replacing missing teeth may also prevent health issues like bone loss, crookedness and facial changes that come with losing one or more of your natural teeth. If you’re concerned about losing any, reach out to Jenkins Dental to explore their dental implant benefits – they could help restore both your smile and confidence! Schedule an appointment today!

10. They Prevent Bacteria Buildup

After dental implant surgery, discomfort and swelling around the surgery site is normal; however, if it increases further it could indicate infection caused by bacteria accumulation or debris build-up. To reduce risks of gum disease it’s essential to brush twice daily with soft-bristled toothbrushes and floss once daily as this will remove trapped food particles and bacteria that have collected. Furthermore it’s also vital that smokers and other unhealthy lifestyle choices don’t smoke since this could also contribute to gum disease.

An improperly fitted implant may leave microscopic gaps that allow bacteria to enter and cause peri-implantitis, damaging the bone that holds your tooth in place. A highly experienced implant dentist can ensure that every crown fits precisely, eliminating these tiny spaces and decreasing infection risks; in addition, they can prescribe antibiotics and mouth rinses prior to surgery in order to further protect them.